50 gallon Lee twin motion vacuum kettle, model 50D9MT

50 gallon Lee twin motion vacuum kettle, model 50D9MT
Used 50 gallon Lee twin motion vacuum kettle, model 50D9MT, stainless steel construction, rated 15 psi and full vacuum at 250 internal, jacketed for 90 psi at 332 f, dome top, hemispherical bottom, twin motion agitator with 2 hp anchor agitartor with provision for sidewall scrappers(less scrappers), inner opposing paddles driven by 1 hp motor drive, tilt out agitation system with cylinder, mechanical seal shaft seals, unitized skid mounted with 2 hp, vacuum pump, and 9 kw Mokon temperature control unit, with control panel, Lee serial# 63836-1, national board# 11914, built 2010. 50 gallon Lee twin motion vacuum kettle, model 50D9MT
Year | 2010 |
Condition | Used |
Serial Number | 63836-1, |
Inventory # | 11573 |